IMPORTANT years in ncert :-

1731 - Many people of Bishnoi community sacrifice their lives saving trees (Jodhpur)

1770 - Priestley's experiment by Bell Jar, Mice & Mint plant, Candle.

1774 - Discovery of oxygen by Joseph Priestley

1838 - Matthias Schleiden-Cell Theory                                                    

1829 - Theodore Schwann- Cell Theory 

1850s - Before industrialization => more white wing Moth

1854 - Julius von Sachs proved that glucose is formed in photosynthesis & stored as starch.

1855 - "Omnis cellula cellula" by Rudolf Virchow & complete the cell theory.

1856 - 1863 Mendel work on garden pea. 

1860 - Hydroponics technique developed by Julie Von Sache


1865 - Mendel publishes his work

on inheritance of character 

1866 - Down's Syndrome discovered by Langdon Down.

1869 - DNA as a acidic substance was 1st identified by Friedrich Meischer & termed a "Nuclein"

1891 - Fossils of Java man discovered in Java

          - Henking discovered X-body (X-chromosome) in insect. (XO- type sex determination)

1892 - Discovery of TMV by D.J. Ivanowsky

1898 - M.W. Beijerinck demonstrated infectious nature of TMV

          - Discovery of Golgi Body by Camillo Golgi.

1900 - Rediscovery of Mendel's work by ---> • Hugo de Vries

           • Karl Corrence

           • Tschemark

1902 - Chromosomal theory of inheritance given by Sutton & Bovery.

1905 - Law of limiting factors for plants given by Blackmann

1920 - After Industrialisation => more black moth

1928 - Frederick Griffith's Transformation experiment on Streptococcus pneumonia bacteria

1933 – 1944 - Avery, Macleod McCarty used transformation principle of Griffith's experiment & concluded that DNA is genetic material.

1938 - Coelacanth/Lobe Fines caught in South Africa ---> Ancestor of amphibia.

1947 - At the time of our independence India's population, was approximately

350 million .

1950s - Electron microscope invention 

            - Tissue culture started

1951 - Family planning was initiated

1952 - Hershey & Chase

1953  - Discovery of ribosome by George Palade.

          - S.L Miller Experiment of evolution.

          - Double helical structure model of DNA given by Watson & Crick. 

1958 - Matthew Meselson and Franklin Stahl experiment (E. coli in NH4CI medium) proved that DNA replication is semiconservative )

         -  Taylor study on vicia faba plant (used radioactive thymidind and proved  semiconservative nature of DNA)

1960s -  Green Revolution.

 1963 - Restriction endonuclease isolated from E. coli.

 1963 - Wheat varieties Sonalika f Kalyan Sona (High yield & Disease resistant ) introduced in INDIA.

 1966 - Derived semi dwarf varieties of rice introduced in India.

1969 - R.H. Whittaker proposed FIVE-KINGDOM Classification

1971 - Discovery of viroids by T.O. Diener

          -  Govt. of India legalised MTP.

1972 - Fluid Mosaic model of plasma membrane by Singer & Nicolson 

          - 1st recombinant DNA developed by Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer

          - National committee for environmental planning and Coordination was established.

          - Wild life protection act in India.

1974 -  Water Act.  &  also Chipko movement

1980s -  Joint Forest movement

1981 - Air act. 

           - AIDS was fired reported

           - Intrinsic growth rate of India (r= 0.0205)  

1983 - Eli Lilly American company human Insulin from E. coli.

1984 - Bhopal Tragedy 

          - Ministry of Environment amd Forest.

1986 - Environment Act (NEPA)

1987 - Noise included in air pollution   

          - Montreal protocol (Canada)

1988 - National Forest Policy

1989 -  Montreal Protocol became effective.

1990s -  Delhi ranked 4th among 41 most polluted cities.

1990 - First clinical gene therapy was given to 4 yr old girl with ADA deficiency eye. 

           - Human Genome

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